TinyOS🐞: Multitasking

5 minute read


In the previous episode ContextSwitch of TinyOS🐞, we introduced the context switching mechanism under the RISC-V architecture. In this episode we will be looking at Multitasking in our DIY operating system.

Cooperative Multitasking

Modern operating systems have a Preemptive function that forcibly terminates the process through timed interruption, so that when a certain process occupies the CPU for too long, it is forcibly interrupted and switched to another process for execution.

However, in a system without a time interruption mechanism, the operating system cannot interrupt the current execution process, so it must rely on each process to actively return control to the operating system in order to allow all processes to have a chance to execute. This notion of multi-tasking system that relies on an automatic return mechanism is called a Coorperative Multitasking system. Windows 3.1 launched by Microsoft in 1991, Macintosh OS version 8.0-9.2, as well as HeliOS for Arduino MCU, are all operating systems that employee cooperative multitasking mechanisms.

As an illustration step in our TinyOS series, in this chapter, we will design a cooperative multitasking mechanism on a RISC-V processor.


First let’s execute the program. For this you can navigate to the MultiTasking folder of the cloned repository from the docker image. If you missed the first article about setting up the environment, you can check it from here.

First let’s take a look at the system’s performance.

cd tinyos/03-MultiTasking
make qemu

Press Ctrl-A and then X to exit QEMU
qemu-system-riscv32 -nographic -smp 4 -machine virt -bios none -kernel os.elf
OS start
OS: Activate next task
Task0: Created!
Task0: Now, return to kernel mode
OS: Back to OS
OS: Activate next task
Task1: Created!
Task1: Now, return to kernel mode
OS: Back to OS
OS: Activate next task
Task0: Running...
OS: Back to OS
OS: Activate next task
Task1: Running...
OS: Back to OS
OS: Activate next task
Task0: Running...
OS: Back to OS
OS: Activate next task
Task1: Running...
OS: Back to OS
OS: Activate next task
Task0: Running...
OS: Back to OS
OS: Activate next task
Task1: Running...
OS: Back to OS
OS: Activate next task
Task0: Running...
QEMU: Terminated

You can see that the system keeps switching between two tasks Task0, Task1, but the actual switching process is as follows:

    direction LR
    State1 :OS
	State2 : Task0
	State3 : OS
	State4 :Task1
	State5 : OS
	State6 : Task0
	State7 : OS
	State8 : Task1
    State1 --> State2
	State2 --> State3
	State3 --> State4
	State4 --> State5
	State5 --> State6
	State6 --> State7
	State7 --> State8

Operating system needs cordinate the two task to execute sequancially. In this episode, we will looking at the underlying logic of this implementation.

User Tasks

In user.c, we define two tasks, user_task0 and user_task1, and finally initialize these two tasks in the user_init function.

// user.c
#include "os.h"

void user_task0(void)
	lib_puts("Task0: Created!\n");
	lib_puts("Task0: Now, return to kernel mode\n");
	while (1) {
		lib_puts("Task0: Running...\n");

void user_task1(void)
	lib_puts("Task1: Created!\n");
	lib_puts("Task1: Now, return to kernel mode\n");
	while (1) {
		lib_puts("Task1: Running...\n");

void user_init() {

OS Kernel

Then, in the main program os.c of the operating system, we use a while loop to arrange each process to be executed sequentially.

// os.c
#include "os.h"

void os_kernel() {

void os_start() {
	lib_puts("OS start\n");

int os_main(void)
	int current_task = 0;
	while (1) {
		lib_puts("OS: Activate next task\n");
		lib_puts("OS: Back to OS\n");
		current_task = (current_task + 1) % taskTop; // Round Robin Scheduling
	return 0;

The above scheduling method is in principle consistent with Round Robin Scheduling, but Round Robin Scheduling must be equipped with a timed interruption mechanism in principle, but the code in this episode has no timed interruptions, so it can only be said to be the Round Robin Scheduling of the collaborative multitasking version.

Cooperative multitasking must rely on each task to actively return control. For example, in user_task0, whenever the os_kernel() function is called, the context switching mechanism will be called to return control to the operating system.

void user_task0(void)
	lib_puts("Task0: Created!\n");
	lib_puts("Task0: Now, return to kernel mode\n");
	while (1) {
		lib_puts("Task0: Running...\n");

The os_kernel() function of os.c will call the task_os() of task.c

void os_kernel() {

And task_os() will call sys_switch in assembly language sys.s to switch back to the operating system.

// switch back to os
void task_os() {
	struct context *ctx = ctx_now;
	ctx_now = &ctx_os;
	sys_switch(ctx, &ctx_os);

So the whole system is executed in turn letting the other process to execute under the cooperation of os_main(), user_task0(), user_task1().

os_main() function in os.c looks like this.

int os_main(void)
	int current_task = 0;
	while (1) {
		lib_puts("OS: Activate next task\n");
		lib_puts("OS: Back to OS\n");
		current_task = (current_task + 1) % taskTop; // Round Robin Scheduling
	return 0;

user_task0() and user_task1() functions in user.c looks like this.

void user_task0(void)
	lib_puts("Task0: Created!\n");
	lib_puts("Task0: Now, return to kernel mode\n");
	while (1) {
		lib_puts("Task0: Running...\n");

void user_task1(void)
	lib_puts("Task1: Created!\n");
	lib_puts("Task1: Now, return to kernel mode\n");
	while (1) {
		lib_puts("Task1: Running...\n");

The above is an example of a specific and micro cooperative multitasking system on the RISC-V processor. In the next episode of TinyOS🐞, let’s look at implementation of TimerIntterupts.