TinyOS🐞: Context-Switch

5 minute read


In the previous episode HelloWorld of TinyOS🐞, we discussed how to print strings to the UART serial port for a specific processor on QEMU that utilises RISC-V architecture. This episode takes us further into the operating system territory, introducing the concept of “Context-Switching”.

Main File (os.c)

This time, in addition to stuff that we had earlier, we have a function called task

You can find the complete code os.c from here.

#include "os.h"

#define STACK_SIZE 1024
uint8_t task0_stack[STACK_SIZE];
struct context ctx_os;
struct context ctx_task;

extern void sys_switch();

void user_task0(void)
	lib_puts("Task0: Context Switch Success !\n");
	while (1) {} // stop here.

int os_main(void)
	lib_puts("OS start\n");
	ctx_task.ra = (reg_t) user_task0;
	ctx_task.sp = (reg_t) &task0_stack[STACK_SIZE-1];
	sys_switch(&ctx_os, &ctx_task);
	return 0;

Task task is a function, which is user_task0 in the main file. In order to switch, we set ctx_task.ra as user_task0. Since ra is a return address register, its function is to set the return adress (ra) to the program counter (pc), so that it can jump to this function to execute when executing the ret instruction.

	ctx_task.ra = (reg_t) user_task0;
	ctx_task.sp = (reg_t) &task0_stack[STACK_SIZE-1];
	sys_switch(&ctx_os, &ctx_task);

However, each task needs stack space to execute function calls within the C context. As a result, we allocate stack space for task0 and utilize ctx_task.sp to reference the stack’s starting point.

System Switch function

Then we can use sys_switch(&ctx_os, &ctx_task) to switch from the main program to task0, where sys_switch is located in sys.s to combine language functions, the content is as follows:

# Context switch
#   void sys_switch(struct context *old, struct context *new);
# Save current registers in old. Load from new.

.globl sys_switch
.align 4
        ctx_save a0  # a0 => struct context *old
        ctx_load a1  # a1 => struct context *new
        ret          # pc=ra; swtch to new task (new->ra)

In RISC-V, the parameters are mainly placed in the temporary registers a0, a1, …, a7. When there are more than eight parameters, they will be passed on the stack.

The C language function corresponding to sys_switch is as follows:

void sys_switch(struct context *old, struct context *new);

In the above program, a0 corresponds to old value (the context of the old task), and a1 corresponds to new value (the context of the new task). The function of the entire sys_switch is to store the context of the old task, and then load the context of the new task to start execution.

The last ret instruction is very important, because when the context of the new task is loaded, the ra register will also be loaded, so when ret is executed, it will set pc=ra, and then jump to the new task (such as void user_task0 (void)) that needs to be executed next.

ctx_save and ctx_load in sys_switch are two assembly macros, which are defined as follows:

# ============ MACRO ==================
.macro ctx_save base
        sw ra, 0(\base)
        sw sp, 4(\base)
        sw s0, 8(\base)
        sw s1, 12(\base)
        sw s2, 16(\base)
        sw s3, 20(\base)
        sw s4, 24(\base)
        sw s5, 28(\base)
        sw s6, 32(\base)
        sw s7, 36(\base)
        sw s8, 40(\base)
        sw s9, 44(\base)
        sw s10, 48(\base)
        sw s11, 52(\base)

.macro ctx_load base
        lw ra, 0(\base)
        lw sp, 4(\base)
        lw s0, 8(\base)
        lw s1, 12(\base)
        lw s2, 16(\base)
        lw s3, 20(\base)
        lw s4, 24(\base)
        lw s5, 28(\base)
        lw s6, 32(\base)
        lw s7, 36(\base)
        lw s8, 40(\base)
        lw s9, 44(\base)
        lw s10, 48(\base)
        lw s11, 52(\base)
# ============ Macro END   ==================

RISC-V must store ra, sp, s0, … s11 and other temporary registers when switching between schedules. The above code is from the xv6 teaching operating system kernel and modified for RISC-V 32-bit application.

Struct for Register Contents

In riscv.h header file, we have to define corresponding struct for context related registers.

// Saved registers for kernel context switches.
struct context {
  reg_t ra;
  reg_t sp;

  // callee-saved
  reg_t s0;
  reg_t s1;
  reg_t s2;
  reg_t s3;
  reg_t s4;
  reg_t s5;
  reg_t s6;
  reg_t s7;
  reg_t s8;
  reg_t s9;
  reg_t s10;
  reg_t s11;

Now from the main file, we need to set the task pointers to the ra and sp, and we can use the sys_switch function to smoothly switch from os_main to user_task0.

int os_main(void)
	lib_puts("OS start\n");
	ctx_task.ra = (reg_t) user_task0;
	ctx_task.sp = (reg_t) &task0_stack[STACK_SIZE-1];
	sys_switch(&ctx_os, &ctx_task);
	return 0;

Execute with QEMU

You can run the simulation on QEMU with the archfx/rvutils:qemu docker containter mounted with the tinyos repo following the below steps;

cd 03-ContextSwitch 

riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc -nostdlib -fno-builtin -mcmodel=medany -march=rv32ima -mabi=ilp32 -T os.ld -o os.elf start.s sys.s lib.c os.c

make qemu

Press Ctrl-A and then X to exit QEMU
qemu-system-riscv32 -nographic -smp 4 -machine virt -bios none -kernel os.elf
OS start
Task0: Context Switch Success !
QEMU: Terminated

We looked at the basic details about the implementation of the “Context-Switch” mechanism within the RISC-V architecture. This method showcases how tasks are managed and their execution contexts transitioned, contributing to the overall functionality and efficiency of the system.